Discovery allows you to search almost all our library databases from one place and provides easy access to our full-text articles, journal titles, e-books, print books, and DVDs. This is a great general database and is recommended for Writer as Advocate and Effective Writer.
Resources not searched by Discovery: EMBASE, Facts & Comparisons, Lexidrug, Micromedex, MOBIUS, Natural Medicines, PubMed, SciFinder-n, and UpToDate.
A humanities and social sciences-focused archival collection - does not include recently published items. Subjects include history, economics, history of medicine, political science, religion, and more. UHSP has access to a limited subset of JSTOR; articles not included can easily be requested through interlibrary loan. Recommended for Global Heritage classes. Visit our JSTOR Tutorial
Provides access to articles in national & international medical research journals and citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books; subject coverage includes medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care. Visit our PubMed Tutorial