when you are beginning your research and don't know much about your topic
when you are looking for a basic overview of a topic
when your topic has multiple aspects (ex: gun control on US college campuses)
when you want to use filters to limit the items you are searching (ex: limiting your search to journal articles)
In the Discovery Search, when you type a term into the search box suggested search terms will appear below. These suggested search terms can help expand your search to include relevant terms.
Example: If you type the words Spanish flu into the search box, Discovery will suggest the terms pictured below. These additional terms include helpful variations that will bring back a larger number of results AND more relevant results than the single term you entered.
In this example, we will use the research topic of gun control on US college campuses. Note that we entered each aspect of the research topic in a separate box.
We recommend staying with the default All Fields. Selecting the other options tends to limit your results by only searching the item title, the author field, or the assigned subject (which not all items have).
4. Click the Boolean operator drop-down menu to combine the search box entries with AND, OR, NOT. (Default is AND)
Boolean operators build a more complex search by telling the database that your results must have the text gun legislation AND college campuses AND United States. If we put all three aspects of the search into the Basic Search, our results MAY only contain one or two of the terms.
You can apply any desired limiters to your search. For example, you may want to limit results to items with full text available online and published within a custom date range you select.
Limit by:
Online Full Text: Limits your search to only articles and eBooks that our library has the full text available online.
Helpful when you need the full text NOW and don't have time to request items through Interlibrary Loan
At My Library: Lmits your search to items in PRINT at the Library.
Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals: Limits your search to journals that require articles to have been peer/expert reviewed for contact and accuracy.
Published Date:
Limit your results by looking for items published within a certain date range.
Limit your results to items published in a specific language.