Bring it back on time or pay the fine
Fines are assessed to encourage prompt renewal and the return of materials. Fines apply every day the Library Service Desk is open and are assessed after an item is overdue.
Overdue Notices
All items checked out from the Library receive either a stamped/handwritten due date OR a verbal notification of the due date. Overdue notices are sent to your UHSP email address the day after materials are due back at the Library.
Bills for replacement of materials are also sent to your UHSP email address.
Charges to Student Account
The library does not accept cash payments for fines and fees. Library fines are billed to student accounts once a month.
If you have a question about a charge from the library, email
Blocked Library Account
Users are blocked from borrowing additional Library materials if they have lost or damaged a MOBIUS item. The library block will remain until the material is returned or the replacement charges are paid. For additional information, email