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EBSCO eBook Help

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If the book does not have a print option, you can still print pages

Options for printing include:
  • Save pages

    • Downloads a page, a range of pages, or a chapter. This number varies because each publisher determines the number of pages you can save at one time. 

  • Email pages

    • Emails a page, a range of pages, or a chapter. This number varies because each publisher determines the number of pages you can save at one time. 

    • If you don't see the pages shortly after sending the email, please check your junk mail.

Options for printing and saving portions of an EBSCO eBook.

EBSCO eBook Sample Page

A window opens above the book window that tells you the maximum number of pages you may save or email in one session and allows you to select the option that you want.

EBSCO eBook Save or E-mail