As a service to our students, the Library typically purchases ONE copy of the required textbook for each course taught at UHSP. Textbooks on Course Reserve at the Library can be checked out for two hours and can not be renewed or placed on hold. To encourage the prompt return of these items, the library charges an hourly fee for late returns.
Our Course Reserve textbooks are not meant to replace the purchase or rental of a textbook. Students can purchase or rent textbooks through eCampus, the UHSP online bookstore, or any other vendor.
While UHSP does not have a physical bookstore on campus, you can order all your textbooks and other school needs through our online bookstore, eCampus.
Email and we’ll be happy to help you.
Note: Overnight checkouts are not allowed.
*Due to the limited number of body parts, students may only check out 1 body part at a time.