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How to Find a Book

Looking for a book? This guide can help you find a book in our Library, at other academic libraries in Missouri, and help you place an Interlibrary Loan request.

What is MOBIUS?

Need a book we don't have? Check MOBIUS!

MOBIUS is a large consortium of academic libraries in Missouri and surrounding states, plus several large public libraries. MOBIUS libraries share books with other member libraries for free. So, if a book you want is at the UMSL Library, they’ll send it to us free of charge for you to borrow!

Occasionally, the book may not be available in MOBIUS.

When that happens, you can submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the book. Library Staff will search worldwide to find another library that owns the book and will let us borrow it.

Interlibrary Loan is a free service for UHSP faculty, staff, students, residents, and preceptors. For more information, see the Interlibrary Loan page of this guide. 

MOBIUS Highlights:
  • Place your requests 24/7

  • Requested books arrive in 2-3 business days and are held at the Library Services Desk for 7 days.

  • Check out length = 4 weeks

    • 2 renewals are possible as long as no one requests the book.

Searching MOBIUS

Did you check the UHSP Library? 

Before you search MOBIUS, we recommend checking the UHSP Library first. If the book is not here, you can use the link below to head straight to MOBIUS. 

We will always start from the Library page

In the example below, I am looking for a book about the history of the plague in Spain.  

  1. On the library homepage, select Books from the tabbed search box.

  2. Enter your search term/s in the box and click the Search button.

  3. A new page will open with results from your search.
    If the UHSP Library doesn't have the item you are looking for, scroll to the top of the page and look for the Search for " search term" across MOBIUS link. 
    Clicking this link will open a MOBIUS search page and populate the search box with your search term.

Searching MOBIUS

I can start browsing the results returned for my keyword search for "plague"...

However, if I want to improve my search to find more relevant results, I can refine the results using the filters on the left-hand side of the page AND use the Advanced Search to make sure my search includes the multiple parts of my search.

Basic Search vs Advanced Search & Filters

Basic Search: 

In the bottom left image, I did a simple keyword search for the term "plague" and got 5,287 results. That is a LOT of results to sort through and many of the items are things I can NOT request. 

Advanced Search:

In the bottom right image, I clicked the link for the Advanced Search and made a more complex search that looked for results that included BOTH of my terms.

Refine Results

Next, I Refined the results using the filters on the left-hand side of the page to remove items that I can't read (anything other than English) and can't request (anything other than a book)

Recommended Filters:

  • Format: Limit to Book
  • Language: Limit to English

Requesting a Book

Place a request

After finding a book you want to borrow...
  1. Click on the title of the book.

  2. Under the title, look for the Status of the book. If it is available, you are good to place your request. 

  3. Click the Place a Hold button.

  4. A box will appear confirming the book information along with the message "To place a hold, sign in" (as seen in the image on the right).
    Click the Sign In button. 

  5. On the next screen, select our institution from the drop-down menu, and then click the continue button. 
    Hint: Type "Pharmacy" into the box to find our name. 

  6. You may be prompted to sign in to your UHSP account (through the UHSP single-sign-on screen) and approve the request via the Microsoft Authenticator. 

  7. After singing into your UHSP account, you should see the image on the right that includes:

  • Book title and info

  • Pickup location = UHSP

  1. Click the Place Hold Button

  2. You should then see a new screen with a green ribbon that states "Hold has been placed".

  3. In 3-4 business days, you should get an email from that your book is ready to be picked up at the Library Services Desk. 

    If the book does not arrive within 3-4 business days of placing your request, contact us at

If your request was not successful, contact us at for help placing a hold, or finding an alternate item. 

Not able to find the book you need?

Library Staff can place an interlibrary loan request for books that are NOT available in our Library or MOBIUS. 

Interlibrary Loan is a free service for UHSP faculty, staff, students, residents, and preceptors. Interlibrary Loan allows users to borrow physical material from libraries outside of MOBIUS, as well as obtain copies of articles or chapters from titles that are not available in our library.

View your Requests

Check your library account to see if books are on their way.

  1. On the Libray page, select Books from the search options, leave the search box blank, and click Search.

  2. On the new page, click the person/account icon in the top right-hand corner, then click the Sign-in link. 

  3. You may be prompted to sign in to your UHSP account (through the UHSP single-sign-on screen) and approve the request via the Microsoft Authenticator. 

  4. On the banner at the top of the page, click the MyBookshelf link. 

  5. You should then see a page listing all your Holds (Requested items), Checkouts, and Fees.

  1. Next to each item, you will see the status of your hold/s, and the option to remove/cancel any hold/s. 
    Under the Status heading, you might see...

  • On Hold: # in line: Your request has been placed, and there are # people ahead of you in line to request the book
  • In Transit: Your book is in transit to UHSP And should be here in a few days. 
  • On Hold Shelf/Ready for Pickup: Your book is ready for pickup. 


Is your book taking forever to arrive?

Books usually arrive at the library in two to three business days. If your book has not arrived after one week, email us at

Cancel a Request

Need to cancel a request?

  1. On the Libray page, select Books from the search options, leave the search box blank, and click Search.

  2. On the new page, click the person/account icon in the top right-hand corner, then click the Sign-in link. 

  3. You may be prompted to sign in to your UHSP account (through the UHSP single-sign-on screen) and approve the request via the Microsoft Authenticator. 

  4. On the banner at the top of the page, click the MyBookshelf link. 

  5. You should see a page listing all your Holds (Requested items), Checkouts, and Fees. 
    Select Holds. For the request you want to cancel, look to the right of the screen and click the Remove Hold link. 

  6. A box will pop up asking "Are you sure you want to remove this hold? This action cannot be undone". Click Remove to cancel the hold.

Unable to cancel a hold?

Email us at

Renew a Book

Need your book longer?

  1. On the Libray page, select Books from the search options, leave the search box blank, and click Search.

  2. On the new page, click the person/account icon in the top right-hand corner, then click the Sign-in link. 

  3. You may be prompted to sign in to your UHSP account (through the UHSP single-sign-on screen) and approve the request via the Microsoft Authenticator. 

  4. On the banner at the top of the page, click the MyBookshelf link. 

  5. You should see a page listing all your Holds (Requested items), Checkouts, and Fees.
    Select Checkouts. Next to the item you would like to renew, click the Renew link.

  6. A box will pop up confirming this is the item you want to renew, click Renew

  7. If your item was successfully renewed, you will see a green box with the message your checkout has been renewed and the new due date (typically 4 weeks from today).  

Unable to renew an item? 

Email us at