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How to Find a Book

Looking for a book? This guide can help you find a book in our Library, at other academic libraries in Missouri, and help you place an Interlibrary Loan request.

Local MOBIUS Libraries

If you need a book quickly...

We know there are times when you need a book quickly and don't have time to wait for it to arrive through MOBIUS. Luckily, there are several nearby MOBIUS libraries that you can visit and use your UHSP ID to check out books. 

Books checked out from these libraries can be returned to the UHSP Library Services Desk.

Public Libraries

St. Louis Public Libraries

You can get a library card if you live, work, or attend school within the City of St. Louis, live in one of the reciprocal library taxing districts, or pay property taxes within the City of St. Louis. You can check the St. Louis Public Library website to see if you are eligible for a card.

Local branches include: